The  lines


10 Simple Changes You Can Make to Live a More Sustainable Life

Living a sustainable lifestyle is all about making choices that reduce your impact on the environment and promote long-term well-being. Here are 10 simple changes you can make to live a more sustainable life
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How COVID-19 affects the climate?

The coronavirus originated in China in 2019 but soon hit the world and damaged the economy. No one could have predicted such an impact on the economy. There are only a few sectors that have not been damaged by the virus. It is too early for conclusions because the virus has not disappeared yet and today we can talk about the current situation and possible consequences.
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The potential (and problems) of green roofs

Have you ever gazed upon the cityscape from up high and admired at how the buldings run out of sight? Perhaps you have noticed that in areas where the price per m² is highest in the whole country, there is so much unused space. Unused space on the roofs. Invaluable space, enjoyed by none. As more and more green space in city centres is lost to commercial or residential areas, we lose a valuable part of our environment. Could roofs have role in solving this problem?

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Pollution removal with plants and microorganisms

It seems like we are in a never-ending race to match our energy-intensive lifestyles with advancements in pollution management. However, many of these pollutants are not anthropogenic and existed long before the Industrial Revolution. How then, were these compounds dealt with before we came along? The answer lies in the transformative powers of microbes and plants.

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How air conditioning is warming the planet

Who would not like to cool themselves on a hot day by turning on their air-conditioning? But could it be, that by cooling ourselves we are inversely heating up the planet?

Today we'll be talking about air-conditioning, the different environmental impacts it has and what is being done to improve the situation. Read more

My thoughts on biodegradable cups

Several establishments have begun to replace plastic cups with biodegradable ones. Is this an effective way of moving towards sustainability or are we actually providing ourselves with a false sense of responsibility? 

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Where do trees get their mass from?

Where do trees get their mass from? How do they grow so large and strong? Initially you might think of keywords such as ,,sunlight”, ,,water” and ,,soil”, but although these are essential for their growth, then the right answer lies somewhere else.
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Skip the Pizza Box: The Misfortune of Paper in the Fast Food Industry

Who doesn’t enjoy a snack or the occasional take-away with flavour-packed dishes to please our guts and soul? An inavoidable part of dining this way usually includes some sort of packaging and, later, waste. Nowadays, with all the talk about cutting down on the use of plastics and banning single-use plastics to prevent the pollution of waterways and oceans, it seems natural to move away from plastic bags, wrappers, styrofoam and single-use boxes to adopt more sustainable packaging. Most people are probably thinking „paper“ at this point. Well, there’s some bad news...

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New diet suggests one burger per week is enough to save the planet

The world is targeting a global warming increase of less than 1.5C by year 2100 but getting there requires changing human behaviour at massive scales. It is currently projected that there will be 10 billion people on Earth by 2050, all of whom need food, shelter, clothes, jobs, etc., and who will also become consumers of many other products and services, altogether generating huge pressure on global resources. But there is a way to become a sustainable consumer without sacrificing too much – and it doesn’t involve becoming a vegan!

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4 Million Problems With This Christmas Tree

The inhabitants of Lithuania’s second largest city Kaunas have a long traditiong of designing their city square Christmas trees in the most artsy and entertaining ways. For example, in 2011, the tree was created out of 32 000 discarded plastic bottles, thus giving a second life to plastic waste. This year, however, an artist surprised the public by creating a tree with 4 million brand new plastic straws!
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Reducing household emissions with technology

In the light of this century’s trend to digitalise everything from watches to fridges, it might seem you can choose any item add the prefix “smart” and find that such a product already exists. However, in what might seem as an ocean of useless inventions, there are plenty that can be used to reduce emissions and save money.

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A Paperful Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Greenline Print team wished 46 kindergartens a wonderful holiday season by donating leftover paper. We wish you one as well!Read more

Test-driving a 691-horsepower ecomobile - the Tesla Model S P85D

To honour International Car Free Day, all our employees who commuted to work car-free, got to participate in a raffle where four lucky ones earned a seat for a Tesla Model S P85 D test-drive - the most sustainable and most desireable four-wheeled alternative to its internal-combustion-engined siblings. Read more

Greenline Print review

Take a look at our infographic overview of how Greenline Print performed in 2015:Read more

246 reels of smiles

Christmas is just around the corner, with children anxiously waiting for that elusive white precipitation to decorate their holidays, and adults yearning for some quality time with family and friends. Kroonpress set the mood with making its annual paper run across Tartu.Read more

Commuting on a mono-wheel?

The Greenline Print team took on the testing of alternative modes of transport to decrease the carbon footprint of the daily commute. Instead of bicycles, one- and two-wheelers of the self-balancing electrical kind were given a shot this time. Here's how it went!Read more

Most Bicycle-Friendly Company in Tartu, 2015

The owner of Greenline Print brand, Kroonpress, has been awarded the Most Bicycle-Friendly Company in Tartu, 2015 award by the City of Tartu, a compliment which includes a  trophy and bicycle rack "VEE" designed by Extery. The title was earned largely due to the "Greenline Print Tähesõit" biking trips that the company organises each year to all company employees, promoting sustainable living and a healthy lifestyle.Read more

Timber houses combating climate change

Last winter was the warmest on record and the outlook for the coming summer is promising to follow in the same tracks. Even though weather isn’t an issue when you’re inside the comfort of your home, climate change is an issue that is threatening both human and natural existence. With increasing CO2 levels and more heat, ocean acidification is posing a growing threat to marine wildlife, meltwater from glaciers is raising global sealevels and shifting atmospheric currents are bound to have a severe impact on agriculture, economy and natural habitats. Consumer activity and population growth are two of the major factors impacting the future of our world, but, surprisingly, wooden houses have the potential to lend a helping hand. 

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50 million low-carbon prints - overview of 2014

An infographic look at how Greenline Print performed in 2014.Read more

421 reels of joy!

This year's paper giveaway was a huge success once again, garnering attention from kindergartens across the whole country. In total, 421 reels of newspaper reels were donated to 81 kindergartens.Read more

We're missing half an Earth to sustain our lifestyles

The „Living Planet Report 2014“, co-published by the WWF and other environmental organisations, reveals that demand for natural resources has grown by 50% within the last 40 years. We need more Earths to supply our way of life than we actually have, and it’s only getting worse.Read more

Pedalling towards a car-free world

Today is World Carfree Day - a day that calls out people to try alternative modes of transport for at least one day of the year, be it public transport, cycling, walking or even carpooling. We know that cycling is good for your health and saves money, but what is the economic impact?Read more

Most Europe heat records toppled in last 14 years

Air temperature measurements in Europe date back to the late 19th century and thus we have over a hundred years worth of extreme heat recordings. Our heatmap shows, among other things, that the difference between the warmest temperature in Iceland and Greece differ by a whopping 18°C, while over half of the maximum temperatures have been recorded just recently.  Read more

Tartu-Berlin in one day, on bicycles!

The summer days event for employees of AS Kroonpress who operates the Greenline Print brand was held at the end of June, with nearly a third of the participants arriving on bicycles, covering a combined total of 1688 km on the saddle, or more than enough to reach the heart of Europe from Tartu, Estonia. 
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Is there enough oxygen for a growing population?

An adult human breathes about 7 to 8 litres of air in a minute, while resting. That’s roughly 11 000 litres of air a day whizzing through our lungs, or the volume of a container one metre wide and 11 metres long. With deforestation and global population on the rise, is there a possibility there might not be enough oxygen for all of us, eventually?Read more

Is climate change a hoax?

While the scientific debate over anthropogenic global warming seems settled in that human impact is the underlying cause with 95%-100% certainty, conspiracy theories regarding climate change and carbon emission reductions are still circulating. Here are the two most popular ones followed by a brief analysis.

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How to plaster walls with old newspapers? [DIY]

Liis and Meelis decided to renovate their home in a hundred-year old wooden house using sustainable methods so they figured they could also put paper waste to good use. They decided to plaster their walls with it because paper is a decent insulator and soundproofing material. The outcome was both visually appealing and practical! Here's how they did it...Read more

Infographic review of Greenline Print in 2013

The first full year of calculating and labelling sustainable prints has quickly passed! This blogpost offers a brief and graphic overview of the main figures. Overall, the label had a strong year and is gaining more traction with new clients expected in 2014.Read more

Paper delivery delights 75 kindergartens

For the second year in a row, printing company Kroonpress' paper donation campaign proves successful with a mountain of requests totalling 430 reels of discarded newsprint. Tis' the season, so all wishes were granted!Read more

What do car sales have to say about bicycles?

Recent news has fanfared that for the first time since World War II in many European countries the sale of bicycles has exceeded car sales on a unit basis. While this proves to show that cycling as a healthy and environmentally friendly way of transportation is gaining attraction, there are other stories behind the data – for example, in Estonia bicycle sales topped car sales over three-fold!

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How to stop global warming...with magazines?

Carbon capture and storage, or CCS, is an area of reasearch which attempts to explore the ways of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 75 pilot projects worldwide are currently mitigating 0.1% of annual anthropogenic carbon emissions. In this post, we will briefly examine the relevance of CCS, and in a thought-experiment, propose our own version of how paper storage could become a viable carbon sequestering method.Read more

Toy museum makes hats from paper waste

Tartu Toy Museum ( has found creative ways of utilising paper waste provided by Kroonpress - by making paper hats from old newspapers and using paper reels as rolling canvases.Read more

Greenline Print team cycles to save 220 kg of CO2

Morning, June 15th. Cyclists have gathered in the parking lot of the Kroonpress printing plant and are concentrating on the crests and slopes of the 76 km journey ahead. Unknowingly, thousands of people pour themselves a cup of coffee and open up the daily newspaper Postimees, where an A+ label with 66 gCO2 signifies that they'd have to give up 450 m of driving a car to compensate for the emissions. Of those who couldn't care less, the Greenline Print team cleares the footprints of over 3300 subscribers that day by pedalling a combined total of 1572 km.Read more

15 minutes equal to one daily newspaper

Estonia's largest daily, Postimees, has adopted the Greenline Print label with an outstanding A+ result, boasting a 73% recycled content and very low carbon emissions due to biofuel consumption at UPM's Kaipola paper mill. In fact, the carbon footprint of Postimees is so low that it is equal to 15 minutes of browsing the online version of the newspaper.  
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Where are the lungs of the Earth?

We've often heard that rainforests are the lungs of the Earth, providing us with most of our required oxygen. While it is indeed true that rainforests may produce up to a quarter of atmospheric oxygen, most of it is consumed by the rainforests themselves by degradation of organic matter. Most of our atmospheric oxygen actually comes from the oceans.
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The average print consumes a spoonful of water

Water is used in offset-printing to separate the printable areas from the non-printable areas. In addition to water, printing presses use natural gas for the setting of heatset-ink and evaporating excess moisture, while electricity keeps the rollers running. Here's an infographic about the resource consumption per average product at Kroonpress:Read more

European forest resources keep growing

Although the population of Europe has grown 1% over the last 20 years and production of paper and board in Europe has grown a staggering 43% during that time, forest resources have actually grown by 1% and are still growing year-on-year.

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Satisfying a Treehugger: a Brief Guide to LCA

Imagine you need a birthday gift with an environmental message. What should you get? Avoid plastic, surely. What if it was bioplastic? A bunch of flowers? What if it took a gas-guzzling 6-hour flight from Kenya, would that cancel out? What about some raspberry-inscented heart-shaped soaps wrapped in 100% recycled paper? Oops, palm oil alert – orangutans die because of deforestation and increasing demand for palm oil.

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Final updates incoming

A clickable scale has been added to make it easier to understand what each of the categories means and where you would want your results to appear.
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Launching an innovation

Let the journey begin! Greenline Print has been in the making for the last year and we are proud to present what's come out so far! There's still a lot to go.Read more
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A graded life cycle label for publishers

The application grades the entire life cycle greenhouse gas emissions depending on your location, paper, printing house, etc and issues a unique ecolabel.

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Increase the environmental credibility of your prints. All approved labels become live online and include in-depth data.

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