421 reels of joy!
This year's paper giveaway was a huge success once again, garnering attention from kindergartens across the whole country. In total, 421 reels of newspaper reels were donated to 81 kindergartens.
It was the third year for printing company Kroonpress to participate in the campaign "Let's help kindergartens" hosted by donation portal Spunk.ee. It seems kindergartens are ever-thirsty for paper because this year we got even more requests than last year. This year, we had a lot more requests from kindergartens all stretches of the nation, not just Tartu.

In total, just 20 requests came from Tartu city and 61 from elsewhere, even from the far-away island of Saaremaa. We couldn't offer doorstep-delivery to these outbound destinations but that was taken care of by volunteers from kindergartens themselves.
Kroonpress' three-man crew delivered 116 reels to 20 local kindergartens within a few hours on 10th December. When children were asked if they enjoyed drawing, a horde of hands arose and "Yes!" was exclaimed all around. We hope to delight them again next year!
Check out these pictures from the delivery day: