Greenline Print team cycles to save 220 kg of CO2
Morning, June 15th. Cyclists have gathered in the parking lot of the Kroonpress printing plant and are concentrating on the crests and slopes of the 76 km journey ahead. Unknowingly, thousands of people pour themselves a cup of coffee and open up the daily newspaper Postimees, where an A+ label with 66 gCO2 signifies that they'd have to give up 450 m of driving a car to compensate for the emissions. Of those who couldn't care less, the Greenline Print team cleares the footprints of over 3300 subscribers that day by pedalling a combined total of 1572 km.

The participants of the Greenline Print bicycle ride from Tartu to the company's summer get-together in Uhtjärv had the option of riding either the whole distance of 76 km or a trimmed down distance of 32 km. 11 people opted for the longer run, while 23 chose to hitch half the trip on a bus.
In addition to the apparent environmental benefits of going by bike, the ride encouraged a healthy lifestyle and hopefully pushed by-standers and other colleagues into getting a bike or fixing up their old ones. Last but not least, hundreds of passers-by saw that there is real determination and fortitude behind the Greenline Print insignia they were clad in.