Label #2e9f

Label details

Calculated by Äripäev AS for Imeline Ajalugu, 12/2021 on 24.11.2021
756.0 kg of CO2 per tonne of finished prints
167.9 grams of CO2 per one copy
If you buy one copy, you will have to give up driving 1.56 km in an average new car (2020, EU) to compensate.

Overall weighted data quality: 2.0 1 - highly accurate data, 4 - estimated data from literature
A 168g CO2 ID 2e9f
The classes in comparison
Your product’s class is A with 756 kgCO2 per tonne used.
Hover over the classes to find out what they mean.
756 kg CO2
Top tier! A-class prints contain more carbon in the product than is released during production!
B-class print emissions are comparable to the carbon content in the product
The iPhone 12 has a carbon footprint comparable to 323 average C-class magazines
The carbon footprint of a cheeseburger is comparable to ten average D-class magazines
A 2-litre Coke has a carbon footprint comparable to one average E-class magazine
A tonne of F-class prints have a similar carbon footprint to the production of a Citroën C1 car
CO2 percentages
Covers paper details
recycled fibre: 0.0%
bleaching: elemental chlorine free (ECF)
Contents paper details
recycled fibre: 0.0%
bleaching: totally chlorine-free (TCF)
Printer statistics
Ink consumption: 5.013 g/copy
Paper consumption: 240.595 g/copy
Aluminium consumption: 1.070 g/copy
Natural gas consumption: 7.237 l/copy
Electricity consumption: 0.088 kWh/copy 100.0% renewable sources
District heating consumption: 0.004 kWh/copy 76.1% renewable sources
Water consumption: 0.077 l/copy 0.0% renewable sources
Travelled distance: land 189 km
sea 0 km

A graded life cycle label for publishers

The application grades the entire life cycle greenhouse gas emissions depending on your location, paper, printing house, etc and issues a unique ecolabel.

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why use it?

Increase the environmental credibility of your prints. All approved labels become live online and include in-depth data.

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